In this practical session, we are going to explore the validity of a new questionnaire of attitude towards statistics by exploratory factor analysis and obtain the internal consistency reliability.
We will focus on:
Our analysis will require installing psych
(Revelle, 2023) and
(Sarkar, 2023) packages. Make sure you
already installed all of them. Load the libraries,
library(foreign) # for importing SPSS data
library(psych) # for psychometrics
library(lattice) # easy to plot multivariate plots
Download data set “Attitude_Statistics v3.sav”. View the original questionnaire “Attitude_Statistics v3 Questions.pdf”.
Read the data set as data
and view the basic
data = read.spss("Attitude_Statistics v3.sav", use.value.labels = F, = T)
'data.frame': 150 obs. of 13 variables:
$ ID : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 ...
$ Q1 : num 2 3 5 2 4 4 4 3 4 2 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q2 : num 3 2 4 2 1 4 2 4 2 5 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q3 : num 3 3 5 2 4 4 5 3 3 2 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q4 : num 3 3 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q5 : num 4 4 1 3 5 4 4 3 3 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q6 : num 4 4 1 2 1 4 3 3 4 5 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q7 : num 3 4 1 2 4 4 4 2 3 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q8 : num 3 3 4 2 5 3 3 3 3 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q9 : num 3 3 4 2 5 4 3 4 5 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q10: num 3 3 5 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q11: num 4 4 1 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q12: num 2 2 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
- attr(*, "variable.labels")= Named chr [1:13] "Participant's ID" "I love all analysis." "I dream of normal distribution." "I think of probability in life." ...
..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:13] "ID" "Q1" "Q2" "Q3" ...
- attr(*, "codepage")= int 65001
names(data) # list variable names
[1] "ID" "Q1" "Q2" "Q3" "Q4" "Q5" "Q6" "Q7" "Q8" "Q9" "Q10" "Q11" "Q12"
head(data) # the first 6 observations
ID Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12
1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 2
2 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 2
3 3 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 1 4
4 4 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
5 5 4 1 4 2 5 1 4 5 5 3 4 4
6 6 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4
Clean data
Replace data
again after removing ID
variable. This will make our analysis easier to code.
data = data[-1] # exclude ID, we are not going to use the variable
str(data) # 12 variables
'data.frame': 150 obs. of 12 variables:
$ Q1 : num 2 3 5 2 4 4 4 3 4 2 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q2 : num 3 2 4 2 1 4 2 4 2 5 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q3 : num 3 3 5 2 4 4 5 3 3 2 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q4 : num 3 3 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q5 : num 4 4 1 3 5 4 4 3 3 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q6 : num 4 4 1 2 1 4 3 3 4 5 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q7 : num 3 4 1 2 4 4 4 2 3 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q8 : num 3 3 4 2 5 3 3 3 3 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q9 : num 3 3 4 2 5 4 3 4 5 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q10: num 3 3 5 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q11: num 4 4 1 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
$ Q12: num 2 2 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 ...
..- attr(*, "value.labels")= Named num [1:5] 5 4 3 2 1
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "STRONGLY AGREE" "AGREE" "NEUTRAL" "DISAGREE" ...
names(data) # list variable names
[1] "Q1" "Q2" "Q3" "Q4" "Q5" "Q6" "Q7" "Q8" "Q9" "Q10" "Q11" "Q12"
head(data) # the first 6 observations
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12
1 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 2
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 2
3 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 1 4
4 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
5 4 1 4 2 5 1 4 5 5 3 4 4
6 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4
Descriptive statistics
Check minimum/maximum values per item, and screen for missing values,
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
Q1 1 150 3.13 1.10 3 3.12 1.48 1 5 4 -0.10 -0.73 0.09
Q2 2 150 3.51 1.03 3 3.55 1.48 1 5 4 -0.14 -0.47 0.08
Q3 3 150 3.18 1.03 3 3.17 1.48 1 5 4 -0.03 -0.42 0.08
Q4 4 150 2.81 1.17 3 2.78 1.48 1 5 4 0.19 -0.81 0.10
Q5 5 150 3.31 1.01 3 3.32 1.48 1 5 4 -0.22 -0.48 0.08
Q6 6 150 3.05 1.09 3 3.05 1.48 1 5 4 -0.04 -0.71 0.09
Q7 7 150 2.92 1.19 3 2.92 1.48 1 5 4 -0.04 -1.06 0.10
Q8 8 150 3.33 1.00 3 3.34 1.48 1 5 4 -0.08 -0.12 0.08
Q9 9 150 3.44 1.05 3 3.48 1.48 1 5 4 -0.21 -0.32 0.09
Q10 10 150 3.31 1.10 3 3.36 1.48 1 5 4 -0.22 -0.39 0.09
Q11 11 150 3.35 0.94 3 3.37 1.48 1 5 4 -0.31 -0.33 0.08
Q12 12 150 2.83 0.98 3 2.83 1.48 1 5 4 0.09 -0.68 0.08
Note that all n = 150, no missing values.
cover the whole range of response
% of response to options per item,
1 2 3 4 5 miss
Q1 0.073 0.220 0.32 0.28 0.107 0
Q2 0.033 0.093 0.42 0.24 0.213 0
Q3 0.053 0.180 0.41 0.24 0.113 0
Q4 0.140 0.280 0.30 0.19 0.093 0
Q5 0.040 0.167 0.35 0.33 0.113 0
Q6 0.080 0.233 0.33 0.26 0.093 0
Q7 0.133 0.267 0.23 0.29 0.080 0
Q8 0.047 0.100 0.48 0.23 0.147 0
Q9 0.047 0.093 0.42 0.25 0.187 0
Q10 0.073 0.107 0.42 0.23 0.167 0
Q11 0.027 0.153 0.35 0.39 0.087 0
Q12 0.073 0.327 0.33 0.23 0.033 0
All response options are used with no missing values.
Normality of data
This is done to check for the normality of the data. If the data are normally distributed, we may use maximum likelihood (ML) for the EFA, which will allow more detailed analysis. Otherwise, the extraction method of choice is principal axis factoring (PAF), because it does not require normally distributed data (Brown, 2015).
Univariate normality
Prepare the list of variable we want to copy-paste in
cat(names(data), sep = " + ")
Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6 + Q7 + Q8 + Q9 + Q10 + Q11 + Q12
Plot the histograms,
histogram(~ Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6 + Q7 + Q8 + Q9 + Q10 + Q11 + Q12,
data = data)
# graphically looks normal
all of which look quite normal.
mapply(shapiro.test, data)
Q1 Q2
statistic 0.9153467 0.8832131
p.value 1.075493e-07 1.656343e-09
method "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "dots[[1L]][[1L]]" "dots[[1L]][[2L]]"
Q3 Q4
statistic 0.9078453 0.9134687
p.value 3.76009e-08 8.22525e-08
method "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "dots[[1L]][[3L]]" "dots[[1L]][[4L]]"
Q5 Q6
statistic 0.9061485 0.9161874
p.value 2.985958e-08 1.21404e-07
method "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "dots[[1L]][[5L]]" "dots[[1L]][[6L]]"
Q7 Q8
statistic 0.9055861 0.8811527
p.value 2.767883e-08 1.300764e-09
method "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "dots[[1L]][[7L]]" "dots[[1L]][[8L]]"
Q9 Q10
statistic 0.8893183 0.8957393
p.value 3.445127e-09 7.653311e-09
method "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "dots[[1L]][[9L]]" "dots[[1L]][[10L]]"
Q11 Q12
statistic 0.8919437 0.9009719
p.value 4.75751e-09 1.500687e-08
method "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "dots[[1L]][[11L]]" "dots[[1L]][[12L]]"
all P-values < 0.05, i.e. not normal.
Multivariate normality
To say the data are multivariate normal:
Run Mardia’s multivariate normality test,
Call: mardia(x = data)
Mardia tests of multivariate skew and kurtosis
Use describe(x) the to get univariate tests
n.obs = 150 num.vars = 12
b1p = 29.4 skew = 735.01 with probability <= 2.7e-27
small sample skew = 752.01 with probability <= 3.4e-29
b2p = 200.33 kurtosis = 10.8 with probability <= 0
In our case, kurtosis
= 10.8 (P < 0.05). At
the start and the end, the dots are away from the line. Thus, the data
are not normally distributed at multivariate level. Our extraction
method PAF can deal with this non-normality.
Check suitability of data for analysis
MSA is a relative measure of the amount of correlation (Kaiser, 1970). It indicates whether it is worthwhile to analyze a correlation matrix or not. KMO is an overall measure of MSA for a set of items. The following is the guideline in interpreting KMO values (Kaiser & Rice, 1974):
Value | Interpretation |
< 0.5 | Unacceptable |
0.5 – 0.59 | Miserable |
0.6 – 0.69 | Mediocre |
0.7 – 0.79 | Middling |
0.8 – 0.89 | Meritorious |
0.9 – 1.00 | Marvelous |
KMO of our data,
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin factor adequacy
Call: KMO(r = data)
Overall MSA = 0.76
MSA for each item =
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12
0.34 0.83 0.64 0.75 0.83 0.81 0.82 0.81 0.68 0.70 0.82 0.68
KMO = 0.76, i.e. middling. In general, > 0.7 is acceptable.
Basically it tests whether the correlation matrix is an identity matrix1 (Bartlett, 1951; Gorsuch, 2014).
A significant test indicates worthwhile correlations between the items (i.e. off-diagonal values are not 0).
Test our data,
R was not square, finding R from data
[1] 562.3065
[1] 7.851736e-80
[1] 66
P-value < 0.05, significant. Items are correlated.
Determine the number of factors
There are several ways in determining the number of factors, among them are (Courtney, 2013):
The details:
Factors with eigenvalues > 1 are retained. Eigenvalue can be interpreted as the proportion of the information in a factor. The cut-off of 1 means the factor contains information = 1 item. Thus it is not worthwhile keeping factor with information < 1 item.
“Scree” is a collection of loose stones at the base of a hill. This test is based on eye-ball judgement of an eigenvalues vs number of factors plot. Look for the number of eigenvalue points/factors before we reach the “scree”, i.e. at the elbow of the plot.
Obtain the eigenvalues and scree plot,
scree = scree(data)
Scree of eigen values
Call: NULL
Eigen values of factors [1] 2.67 1.78 0.18 0.07 0.02 -0.05 -0.09 -0.15 -0.20 -0.41 -0.46 -0.70
Eigen values of Principal Components [1] 3.29 2.66 1.04 0.96 0.79 0.73 0.65 0.52 0.46 0.36 0.33 0.22
Eigen values of factors > 1 = 2, and 2 dots (i.e. for –o– FA) are
above the Eigen values = 1 horizontal line. Thus, based on our judgement
on the scree plot and eigenvalues (of factor analysis), the suitable
number of factors = 2.
The scree plot based on the data is compared to the scree plot based on the randomly generated data (Brown, 2015). The number of factors is the number of points above the intersection between the plots.
parallel = fa.parallel(data, fm = "pa", fa = "fa")
Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, : The
estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect. Try a different factor
score estimation method.
Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
ultra-Heywood case was detected. Examine the results carefully
Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors = 2 and the number of components = NA
Call: fa.parallel(x = data, fm = "pa", fa = "fa")
Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors = 2 and the number of components = NA
Eigen Values of
eigen values of factors
[1] 2.67 1.78 0.18 0.07 0.02 -0.05 -0.09 -0.15 -0.20 -0.41 -0.46 -0.70
eigen values of simulated factors
[1] 0.65 0.38 0.29 0.20 0.13 0.06 0.00 -0.08 -0.14 -0.22 -0.28 -0.36
eigen values of components
[1] 3.29 2.66 1.04 0.96 0.79 0.73 0.65 0.52 0.46 0.36 0.33 0.22
eigen values of simulated components
[1] NA
From the parallel-analysis scree plot, there are two dots above the dashed lines. This is suggestive of 2 factors.
VSS compares the original correlation matrix to a simplified
correlation matrix (Revelle, 2023). Look for the highest VSS
value at complexity 1 (vss1
) i.e. an item loads only on one
MAP criterion indicates the optimum number of factors that minimizes the MAP value. The procedure extracts the correlations explained by the factors, leaving only minimum correlations unrelated to the factors.
Obtain these two criteria,
Very Simple Structure
Call: vss(x = data)
Although the VSS complexity 1 shows 5 factors, it is probably more reasonable to think about 3 factors
VSS complexity 2 achieves a maximimum of 0.83 with 7 factors
The Velicer MAP achieves a minimum of 0.03 with 2 factors
BIC achieves a minimum of -153.21 with 2 factors
Sample Size adjusted BIC achieves a minimum of -17.12 with 2 factors
Statistics by number of factors
vss1 vss2 map dof chisq prob sqresid fit RMSEA BIC SABIC complex eChisq
1 0.47 0.00 0.065 54 306.874 4.7e-37 11.9 0.47 0.177 36 207.2 1.0 622.420
2 0.68 0.78 0.029 43 62.250 2.9e-02 4.9 0.78 0.054 -153 -17.1 1.3 41.527
3 0.70 0.80 0.048 33 46.613 5.8e-02 4.1 0.82 0.052 -119 -14.3 1.3 25.305
4 0.67 0.80 0.067 24 27.823 2.7e-01 3.7 0.83 0.032 -92 -16.5 1.4 14.039
5 0.72 0.80 0.089 16 19.445 2.5e-01 3.0 0.86 0.037 -61 -10.1 1.3 8.727
6 0.65 0.78 0.119 9 8.585 4.8e-01 2.8 0.87 0.000 -37 -8.0 1.5 3.975
7 0.61 0.83 0.159 3 3.094 3.8e-01 1.9 0.92 0.013 -12 -2.4 1.5 1.281
8 0.62 0.76 0.239 -2 0.082 NA 2.2 0.90 NA NA NA 1.6 0.038
1 0.1773 0.196 352
2 0.0458 0.057 -174
3 0.0357 0.051 -140
4 0.0266 0.044 -106
5 0.0210 0.043 -71
6 0.0142 0.038 -41
7 0.0080 0.038 -14
8 0.0014 NA NA
VSS complexity of 1 indicates 3/5 factors (vss1
at 3 and 5 factors), while MAP indicates 2 factors (map
smallest at 2 factors).
Our data are not normally distributed, hence the extraction method of choice is principal axis factoring (PAF), because it does not assume normality of data (Brown, 2015). The recommended rotation method is oblimin (Fabrigar & Wegener, 2012).
We run EFA by
fm = "pa"
.rotate = "oblimin"
.fa = fa(data, nfactors = 2, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin")
print(fa, cut = .3, digits = 3) # cut = .3 to view only FLs > 0.3
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = data, nfactors = 2, rotate = "oblimin", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q1 0.00366 0.996 1.77
Q2 0.413 0.20708 0.793 1.29
Q3 -0.339 0.439 0.28192 0.718 1.88
Q4 0.813 0.65855 0.341 1.00
Q5 0.584 0.41688 0.583 1.30
Q6 0.725 0.52512 0.475 1.00
Q7 0.732 0.53270 0.467 1.01
Q8 0.655 0.50124 0.499 1.22
Q9 0.773 0.59830 0.402 1.00
Q10 0.883 0.77491 0.225 1.01
Q11 0.528 0.29771 0.702 1.07
Q12 -0.326 0.17665 0.823 1.98
SS loadings 2.646 2.329
Proportion Var 0.220 0.194
Cumulative Var 0.220 0.415
Proportion Explained 0.532 0.468
Cumulative Proportion 0.532 1.000
With factor correlations of
PA1 1.000 0.087
PA2 0.087 1.000
Mean item complexity = 1.3
Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.
df null model = 66 with the objective function = 3.9 with Chi Square = 562.306
df of the model are 43 and the objective function was 0.436
The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is 0.046
The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is 0.057
The harmonic n.obs is 150 with the empirical chi square 41.529 with prob < 0.535
The total n.obs was 150 with Likelihood Chi Square = 62.265 with prob < 0.0288
Tucker Lewis Index of factoring reliability = 0.9398
RMSEA index = 0.0542 and the 90 % confidence intervals are 0.0184 0.0832
BIC = -153.192
Fit based upon off diagonal values = 0.973
Measures of factor score adequacy
Correlation of (regression) scores with factors 0.921 0.930
Multiple R square of scores with factors 0.849 0.865
Minimum correlation of possible factor scores 0.698 0.731
print(fa, digits = 3) # view all FLs
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = data, nfactors = 2, rotate = "oblimin", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q1 -0.036 0.052 0.00366 0.996 1.77
Q2 0.159 0.413 0.20708 0.793 1.29
Q3 -0.339 0.439 0.28192 0.718 1.88
Q4 0.813 -0.024 0.65855 0.341 1.00
Q5 0.584 0.229 0.41688 0.583 1.30
Q6 0.725 -0.005 0.52512 0.475 1.00
Q7 0.732 -0.048 0.53270 0.467 1.01
Q8 0.217 0.655 0.50124 0.499 1.22
Q9 0.010 0.773 0.59830 0.402 1.00
Q10 -0.058 0.883 0.77491 0.225 1.01
Q11 0.528 0.097 0.29771 0.702 1.07
Q12 -0.326 0.295 0.17665 0.823 1.98
SS loadings 2.646 2.329
Proportion Var 0.220 0.194
Cumulative Var 0.220 0.415
Proportion Explained 0.532 0.468
Cumulative Proportion 0.532 1.000
With factor correlations of
PA1 1.000 0.087
PA2 0.087 1.000
Mean item complexity = 1.3
Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.
df null model = 66 with the objective function = 3.9 with Chi Square = 562.306
df of the model are 43 and the objective function was 0.436
The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is 0.046
The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is 0.057
The harmonic n.obs is 150 with the empirical chi square 41.529 with prob < 0.535
The total n.obs was 150 with Likelihood Chi Square = 62.265 with prob < 0.0288
Tucker Lewis Index of factoring reliability = 0.9398
RMSEA index = 0.0542 and the 90 % confidence intervals are 0.0184 0.0832
BIC = -153.192
Fit based upon off diagonal values = 0.973
Measures of factor score adequacy
Correlation of (regression) scores with factors 0.921 0.930
Multiple R square of scores with factors 0.849 0.865
Minimum correlation of possible factor scores 0.698 0.731
Judge the quality of items.
We must looks at
Factor loadings (FLs) / pattern coefficients are partial correlation coefficients of factors to items. FLs can be interpreted as follows (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2010):
Value | Interpretation |
0.3 to 0.4 | Minimally acceptable |
\(\geq\) 0.5 | Practically significant |
\(\geq\) 0.7 | Well-defined structure |
The FLs are interpreted based on absolute values, ignoring the +/- signs. We may need to remove items based on this assessment. Usually we may remove items with FLs < 0.3 (or < 0.4, or < 0.5). But the decision depends on whether we want to set a strict or lenient cut-off value.
In our output2:
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = data, nfactors = 2, rotate = "oblimin", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q1 0.00366 0.996 1.77
Q2 0.413 0.20708 0.793 1.29
Q3 -0.339 0.439 0.28192 0.718 1.88
Q4 0.813 0.65855 0.341 1.00
Q5 0.584 0.41688 0.583 1.30
Q6 0.725 0.52512 0.475 1.00
Q7 0.732 0.53270 0.467 1.01
Q8 0.655 0.50124 0.499 1.22
Q9 0.773 0.59830 0.402 1.00
Q10 0.883 0.77491 0.225 1.01
Q11 0.528 0.29771 0.702 1.07
Q12 -0.326 0.17665 0.823 1.98
Low FLs? Q1 < .3, Q12 < .4, Q2 & Q3 < .5
Also check for item cross-loading across factors (run the command
again as print(fa, digits = 3)
cut = .3
). A cross-loading is when an item has \(\geq\) 2 significant loading (i.e. >
.3/.4/.5) It indicates the item is not specific to a factor, thus should
be removed. The cross-loading can also be judged based on item
complexity (com
). An item specific to a factor should have
an item complexity close to one (Pettersson & Turkheimer,
In our output:
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = data, nfactors = 2, rotate = "oblimin", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q1 -0.036 0.052 0.00366 0.996 1.77
Q2 0.159 0.413 0.20708 0.793 1.29
Q3 -0.339 0.439 0.28192 0.718 1.88
Q4 0.813 -0.024 0.65855 0.341 1.00
Q5 0.584 0.229 0.41688 0.583 1.30
Q6 0.725 -0.005 0.52512 0.475 1.00
Q7 0.732 -0.048 0.53270 0.467 1.01
Q8 0.217 0.655 0.50124 0.499 1.22
Q9 0.010 0.773 0.59830 0.402 1.00
Q10 -0.058 0.883 0.77491 0.225 1.01
Q11 0.528 0.097 0.29771 0.702 1.07
Q12 -0.326 0.295 0.17665 0.823 1.98
Cross-loadings? Q3 and Q12, indicated by relatively high FLs across factors and high complexity, close to 2.
).An item communality3 (IC) is the % of item variance explained by
the extracted factors (i.e. by both PA1
here). It may be considered as \(R^2\) in linear regression.
The cut-off value of what is considered acceptable depends on the researcher; it depends on the amount of explained variance that is acceptable to him/her.
A cut-off of 0.5 is practical (Hair et al., 2010), i.e. 50% of item variance is explained by all extracted factors. However, in my practice, it depends on the minimum FL I am willing to accept. Because \[Item \:variance \:(approximately) = FL^2\] as if FL = 0 for other factors.
For practical purpose, > 0.25 is acceptable whenever I consider FL > 0.5 as acceptable (because communality = \(0.5^2\) = 0.25).
In our output:
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = data, nfactors = 2, rotate = "oblimin", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q1 0.00366 0.996 1.77
Q2 0.413 0.20708 0.793 1.29
Q3 -0.339 0.439 0.28192 0.718 1.88
Q4 0.813 0.65855 0.341 1.00
Q5 0.584 0.41688 0.583 1.30
Q6 0.725 0.52512 0.475 1.00
Q7 0.732 0.53270 0.467 1.01
Q8 0.655 0.50124 0.499 1.22
Q9 0.773 0.59830 0.402 1.00
Q10 0.883 0.77491 0.225 1.01
Q11 0.528 0.29771 0.702 1.07
Q12 -0.326 0.17665 0.823 1.98
Low communalities? Q1 < Q12 < Q2 < .25 (.004 / .177 / .207 respectively)
In general, correlations of < 0.85 between factors are expectable in health sciences. If the correlations are > 0.85, the factors are not distinct from each other (factor overlap, or multicollinearity), thus they can be combined (Brown, 2015). In EFA context, this can be done by reducing the number of extracted factors.
In our output:
With factor correlations of
PA1 1.000 0.087
PA2 0.087 1.000
PA1 \(\leftrightarrow\) PA2 = .087 < .85
In Step 2, we found a number of poor quality items. These must be removed from the item pool.
Repeat Step 2 every time an item is removed. Make sure that you remove only ONE item at each repeat analysis. Make decisions based on the results.
We may stop once we have
We proceed as follows,
Remove Q1? Low communality, low FL.
fa1 = fa(subset(data, select = -Q1), nfactors = 2, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin")
print(fa1, cut = .3, digits = 3)
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = subset(data, select = -Q1), nfactors = 2, rotate = "oblimin",
fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q2 0.412 0.207 0.793 1.29
Q3 -0.337 0.438 0.280 0.720 1.88
Q4 0.813 0.658 0.342 1.00
Q5 0.584 0.417 0.583 1.30
Q6 0.726 0.526 0.474 1.00
Q7 0.733 0.534 0.466 1.01
Q8 0.653 0.499 0.501 1.22
Q9 0.774 0.601 0.399 1.00
Q10 0.886 0.779 0.221 1.01
Q11 0.529 0.298 0.702 1.07
Q12 -0.325 0.175 0.825 1.98
SS loadings 2.645 2.327
Proportion Var 0.240 0.212
Cumulative Var 0.240 0.452
Proportion Explained 0.532 0.468
Cumulative Proportion 0.532 1.000
With factor correlations of
PA1 1.000 0.086
PA2 0.086 1.000
Remove Q12? Low communality, (relatively) low FL, high complexity (cross loading).
fa2 = fa(subset(data, select = -c(Q1, Q12)), nfactors = 2, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin")
print(fa2, cut = .3, digits = 3)
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = subset(data, select = -c(Q1, Q12)), nfactors = 2, rotate = "oblimin",
fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q2 0.420 0.211 0.789 1.24
Q3 -0.313 0.409 0.239 0.761 1.87
Q4 0.841 0.702 0.298 1.01
Q5 0.595 0.426 0.574 1.26
Q6 0.707 0.501 0.499 1.00
Q7 0.732 0.531 0.469 1.01
Q8 0.661 0.507 0.493 1.19
Q9 0.780 0.608 0.392 1.00
Q10 0.892 0.789 0.211 1.01
Q11 0.529 0.298 0.702 1.06
SS loadings 2.554 2.256
Proportion Var 0.255 0.226
Cumulative Var 0.255 0.481
Proportion Explained 0.531 0.469
Cumulative Proportion 0.531 1.000
With factor correlations of
PA1 1.0 0.1
PA2 0.1 1.0
Remove Q3? Low communality, (relatively) low FL, high complexity (cross loading).
fa3 = fa(subset(data, select = -c(Q1, Q12, Q3)), nfactors = 2, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin")
print(fa3, cut = .3, digits = 3)
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = subset(data, select = -c(Q1, Q12, Q3)), nfactors = 2,
rotate = "oblimin", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q2 0.404 0.202 0.798 1.27
Q4 0.816 0.660 0.340 1.00
Q5 0.606 0.435 0.565 1.20
Q6 0.706 0.497 0.503 1.00
Q7 0.749 0.551 0.449 1.02
Q8 0.669 0.518 0.482 1.16
Q9 0.822 0.670 0.330 1.00
Q10 0.863 0.733 0.267 1.01
Q11 0.533 0.301 0.699 1.05
SS loadings 2.463 2.104
Proportion Var 0.274 0.234
Cumulative Var 0.274 0.507
Proportion Explained 0.539 0.461
Cumulative Proportion 0.539 1.000
With factor correlations of
PA1 1.000 0.133
PA2 0.133 1.000
Remove Q2? Low communality, (relatively) low FL.
fa4 = fa(subset(data, select = -c(Q1, Q12, Q3, Q2)), nfactors = 2, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin")
print(fa4, cut = .3, digits = 3)
Factor Analysis using method = pa
Call: fa(r = subset(data, select = -c(Q1, Q12, Q3, Q2)), nfactors = 2,
rotate = "oblimin", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
PA1 PA2 h2 u2 com
Q4 0.818 0.664 0.336 1.00
Q5 0.614 0.447 0.553 1.21
Q6 0.704 0.494 0.506 1.00
Q7 0.747 0.549 0.451 1.02
Q8 0.634 0.471 0.529 1.19
Q9 0.849 0.717 0.283 1.00
Q10 0.861 0.733 0.267 1.01
Q11 0.533 0.299 0.701 1.04
SS loadings 2.441 1.933
Proportion Var 0.305 0.242
Cumulative Var 0.305 0.547
Proportion Explained 0.558 0.442
Cumulative Proportion 0.558 1.000
With factor correlations of
PA1 1.000 0.121
PA2 0.121 1.000
We are now satisfied with the item quality (at FL > 0.5) and
factor correlation. Please also note the Proportion Var
row; the values indicate the amount of variance explained by each factor
(i.e. remember \(R^2\) multiple linear
regression?). PA1 explains 30.5%, and
PA2 explains 24.2% of the variance in the items. In
total, the extracted factors explain 54.7% of the variance.
PA1: Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q11
PA2: Q8, Q9, Q10
Name the factor based on the content of the remaining items/factor (look at the PDF file/printed copy of the questionnaire).
PA1: Affinity
PA2: Importance
Cronbach’s alpha
Next, we want to determine the internal consistency reliability of the factors extracted in the EFA. This will be done by Cronbach’s alpha. We determine the reliability of each factor separately by including the selected items per factor.
We group the items in PA1
and PA2
into R objects.
PA1 = c("Q4","Q5","Q6","Q7","Q11")
PA2 = c("Q8","Q9","Q10")
We can now analyze by the subsets of data
In the results, we specifically look for:
The Cronbach’s alpha indicates the internal consistency reliability. The interpretation is detailed as follows (DeVellis, 2012, pp. 95–96):
Value | Interpretation |
<0.6 | Unacceptable |
0.60 to 0.65 | Undesirable |
0.65 to 0.70 | Minimally acceptable |
0.70 to 0.80 | Respectable |
0.8 to 0.9 | Very good |
>.90 | Consider shortening the scale (i.e. multicollinear4). |
In the output, look for the line below
lower alpha upper 95% confidence boundaries
line. This line
displays the Cronbach’s alpha with its lower and upper 95% CI.
There are four item-total correlations provided in psych
under Item statistics
header in the output. We consider
these two:
= Item-total correlation, corrected for item
overlap (Revelle,
2023). This is recommended by Revelle
= Corrected item-total correlation, i.e. the
correlation between the item with total WITHOUT the item. This is
reported in SPSS.Ideally must be > 0.5 (Hair et al., 2010)
Reliability if an item is dropped:
heading is the
Cronbach’s alpha if the item is deleted.
This indicates the effect of removing the item on the Cronbach’s alpha. If there is a marked improvement in Cronbach’s alpha, removing the item is justified. Keep the item whenever it results in a reduction in the alpha, or the improvement is very minimal.
alpha.pa1 = alpha(data[PA1])
print(alpha.pa1, digits = 3)
Reliability analysis
Call: alpha(x = data[PA1])
raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N ase mean sd median_r
0.817 0.815 0.791 0.469 4.41 0.0231 3.09 0.824 0.449
95% confidence boundaries
lower alpha upper
Feldt 0.766 0.817 0.859
Duhachek 0.771 0.817 0.862
Reliability if an item is dropped:
raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
Q4 0.748 0.748 0.704 0.426 2.97 0.0332 0.00638 0.414
Q5 0.792 0.788 0.749 0.482 3.72 0.0268 0.01323 0.503
Q6 0.776 0.776 0.736 0.464 3.46 0.0292 0.00747 0.449
Q7 0.771 0.771 0.726 0.457 3.36 0.0299 0.00593 0.449
Q11 0.810 0.809 0.768 0.514 4.22 0.0249 0.00700 0.537
Item statistics
n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean sd
Q4 150 0.836 0.825 0.782 0.709 2.81 1.172
Q5 150 0.723 0.737 0.635 0.569 3.31 1.011
Q6 150 0.772 0.765 0.687 0.624 3.05 1.092
Q7 150 0.795 0.777 0.710 0.640 2.92 1.190
Q11 150 0.660 0.687 0.557 0.500 3.35 0.935
Non missing response frequency for each item
1 2 3 4 5 miss
Q4 0.140 0.280 0.300 0.187 0.093 0
Q5 0.040 0.167 0.347 0.333 0.113 0
Q6 0.080 0.233 0.333 0.260 0.093 0
Q7 0.133 0.267 0.227 0.293 0.080 0
Q11 0.027 0.153 0.347 0.387 0.087 0
Cronbach’s alpha = 0.817 (95% CI: 0.771, 0.862). Corrected item-total
correlations (r_cor
) show all items have good correlation
with the total (> 0.5). Cronbach’s alphas if item deleted
Reliability if an item is dropped
) show removing any of the
item does not increase the Cronbach’s alpha.
alpha.pa2 = alpha(data[PA2])
print(alpha.pa2, digits = 3)
Reliability analysis
Call: alpha(x = data[PA2])
raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N ase mean sd median_r
0.826 0.825 0.771 0.611 4.71 0.0246 3.36 0.904 0.559
95% confidence boundaries
lower alpha upper
Feldt 0.771 0.826 0.869
Duhachek 0.777 0.826 0.874
Reliability if an item is dropped:
raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
Q8 0.840 0.841 0.725 0.725 5.28 0.0260 NA 0.725
Q9 0.715 0.717 0.559 0.559 2.54 0.0462 NA 0.559
Q10 0.708 0.708 0.548 0.548 2.43 0.0476 NA 0.548
Item statistics
n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean sd
Q8 150 0.807 0.816 0.645 0.596 3.33 1.00
Q9 150 0.882 0.881 0.807 0.726 3.44 1.05
Q10 150 0.892 0.885 0.815 0.732 3.31 1.10
Non missing response frequency for each item
1 2 3 4 5 miss
Q8 0.047 0.100 0.48 0.227 0.147 0
Q9 0.047 0.093 0.42 0.253 0.187 0
Q10 0.073 0.107 0.42 0.233 0.167 0
Cronbach’s alpha = 0.826 (95% CI: 0.777, 0.874). Corrected item-total
correlations (r_cor
) show all items have high correlation
with the total (> 0.5). Cronbach’s alphas if item deleted
Reliability if an item is dropped
) show removing
causes an increase in Cronbach’s alpha by 0.014 (only!),
which is negligible. We want to keep as many items as possible in a
Overall, for both PA1
and PA2
We may conclude that the factors are reliable and we must keep all items.
In the report, you must include a number of important statements and results pertaining to the EFA,
Factor loadings and reliability in the EFA.
Factor | Item | Factor loading | Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) |
Affinity | Q4 | 0.818 | 0.817 |
Q5 | 0.614 | ||
Q6 | 0.704 | ||
Q7 | 0.747 | ||
Q11 | 0.533 | ||
Importance | Q8 | 0.634 | 0.826 |
Q9 | 0.849 | ||
Q10 | 0.861 |
Factor correlation: Affinity \(\leftrightarrow\) Importance, r = 0.121.
a matrix, for example, in case of three variables: \[\begin{array}{c} V1\\ V2\\ V3 \end{array}\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]
Take note of the zero correlations with other variables.↩︎
= communality; u2
= error;
= item complexity.↩︎
The simple formula is, \[IC = FL_{PA1} + FL_{PA2}\] for the orthogonally-rotated solution.
For the calculation of communality for the obliquely-rotated solution, we have to include the factor correlation (FC) (Brown, 2015), \[IC = FL_{PA1}^2 + FL_{PA2}^2 + 2(FL_{PA1} \times FC \times FL_{PA2})\]
For example, communality of Q2 =
.16^2 + .41^2 + 2*.16*.09*.41
= 0.205508
\(\approx\) 0.2071
in the
output. Use print(fa)
instead to view the full results.↩︎