1 Packages used

library(readxl)  # to read Excel file
library(psych)  # for PCA
library(eRm)  # for this Rasch analysis
## Attaching package: 'eRm'
## The following object is masked from 'package:psych':
##     sim.rasch
library(TAM)  # for reliability
## Loading required package: CDM
## Loading required package: mvtnorm
## **********************************
## ** CDM 8.2-6 (2022-08-25 15:43:23)       
## ** Cognitive Diagnostic Models  **
## **********************************
## * TAM 4.2-21 (2024-02-19 18:52:08)

2 Data

2.1 Original data

response_raw = read_xls("data_10.xls", sheet = 1)[-1,] |> as.data.frame()
key = read_xls("data_10.xls", sheet = 1)[1,] |> as.character()
head(response_raw)  # not well prepared yet for analysis!

2.2 Recoded data

Correct = 1, Incorrect = 0

response = response_raw
for (i in 2:ncol(response)) {
  response[,i] = ifelse(response_raw[,i] == rep(key[i],nrow(response_raw)), 1, 0)

3 Rasch model analysis

3.1 Calibration

3.1.1 Fit Rasch model

soalan = names(response[,2:ncol(response)])
fit_rm = RM(response[,soalan])

3.1.2 Item parameters

## Results of RM estimation: 
## Call:  RM(X = response[, soalan]) 
## Conditional log-likelihood: -499.4192 
## Number of iterations: 10 
## Number of parameters: 9 
## Item (Category) Difficulty Parameters (eta): with 0.95 CI:
##          Estimate Std. Error lower CI upper CI
## Soalan2    -0.697      0.179   -1.049   -0.346
## Soalan3     0.922      0.189    0.552    1.292
## Soalan4    -1.183      0.195   -1.566   -0.801
## Soalan5     1.666      0.228    1.218    2.113
## Soalan6     0.596      0.179    0.245    0.947
## Soalan7     1.789      0.238    1.323    2.254
## Soalan8    -1.959      0.244   -2.436   -1.481
## Soalan9    -1.062      0.190   -1.435   -0.689
## Soalan10    0.201      0.173   -0.138    0.540
## Item Easiness Parameters (beta) with 0.95 CI:
##               Estimate Std. Error lower CI upper CI
## beta Soalan1     0.272      0.173   -0.067    0.610
## beta Soalan2     0.697      0.179    0.346    1.049
## beta Soalan3    -0.922      0.189   -1.292   -0.552
## beta Soalan4     1.183      0.195    0.801    1.566
## beta Soalan5    -1.666      0.228   -2.113   -1.218
## beta Soalan6    -0.596      0.179   -0.947   -0.245
## beta Soalan7    -1.789      0.238   -2.254   -1.323
## beta Soalan8     1.959      0.244    1.481    2.436
## beta Soalan9     1.062      0.190    0.689    1.435
## beta Soalan10   -0.201      0.173   -0.540    0.138

To get difficulty, multiply easiness by -1 (ref: Wind & Hua (2022) https://bookdown.org/chua/new_rasch_demo2/)

istats = data.frame(Difficulty = as.numeric(fit_rm$betapar*-1), SE = fit_rm$se.beta)
rownames(istats) = colnames(fit_rm$X)

3.1.3 Person parameters

pparam = person.parameter(fit_rm)
## Estimation of Ability Parameters
## Collapsed log-likelihood: -39.45266 
## Number of iterations: 8 
## Number of parameters: 8 
## ML estimated ability parameters (without spline interpolated values): 
##                Estimate Std. Err.       2.5 %      97.5 %
## theta P1    1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P2   -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P3   -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P4    0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P5    0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P6    0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P7    1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P8   -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P9    1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P10  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P11  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P12  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P13  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P14   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P15  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P16  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P17   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P18   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P19  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P20  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P21  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P22   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P23  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P24  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P25   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P26  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P27   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P28  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P29  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P30   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P31  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P32   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P33   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P34  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P35   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P36   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P37  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P38   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P39   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P40   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P41  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P42   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P43  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P44  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P45  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P46  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P47  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P48   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P49   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P50  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P51   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P52  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P53  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P54  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P55  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P56  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P57  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P58  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P59  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P60   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P61  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P62   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P63   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P64   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P65  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P66  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P67  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P68  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P69  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P70  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P71  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P72  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P73  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P74  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P75  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P76   1.776521366 0.8687531  0.07379667  3.47924606
## theta P77  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P78  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P79   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P80   0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P81  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P82  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P83  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P84  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P85  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P86  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P87  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P88   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P89   1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P90  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P91  -2.703558754 1.1094732 -4.87808628 -0.52903122
## theta P92  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P93  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P94  -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P95  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P96   1.776521366 0.8687531  0.07379667  3.47924606
## theta P97  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P98  -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P99  -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P100  0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P101 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P102 -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P103  1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P104 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P105  0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P106 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P107 -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P108  1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P109  0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P110 -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P111 -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P112  0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P113 -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P114 -1.109767648 0.7751141 -2.62896343  0.40942813
## theta P115  1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P116  1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P117 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P118 -1.771871247 0.8641302 -3.46553528 -0.07820721
## theta P119 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P120 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P121  0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P122  1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P123  0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P124 -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P125 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P126 -0.541595270 0.7380553 -1.98815706  0.90496652
## theta P127  0.531180215 0.7413633 -0.92186507  1.98422550
## theta P128  1.106052468 0.7803438 -0.42339334  2.63549827
## theta P129 -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
## theta P130 -0.006463216 0.7287909 -1.43486713  1.42194069
pstats = data.frame(Ability = as.numeric(unlist(pparam$thetapar)), SE = as.numeric(unlist(pparam$se.theta)))
rownames(pstats) = rownames(fit_rm$X)

3.2 Model-data fits

3.2.1 Item fit

item_fit = itemfit(pparam); item_fit  # Discrim = corrected item-test correlations of Cureton (1966), not part of Rasch model
## Itemfit Statistics: 
##            Chisq  df p-value Outfit MSQ Infit MSQ Outfit t Infit t Discrim
## Soalan1  143.683 129   0.178      1.105     1.092    1.317   1.432  -0.255
## Soalan2  118.199 129   0.742      0.909     0.948   -0.897  -0.690   0.222
## Soalan3  103.913 129   0.949      0.799     0.859   -1.615  -1.644   0.512
## Soalan4  124.121 129   0.605      0.955     0.967   -0.274  -0.316   0.000
## Soalan5   94.176 129   0.991      0.724     0.861   -1.350  -0.987   0.293
## Soalan6  112.980 129   0.841      0.869     0.891   -1.300  -1.495   0.435
## Soalan7  132.586 129   0.396      1.020     0.971    0.163  -0.139  -0.325
## Soalan8  151.905 129   0.082      1.168     0.968    0.752  -0.145  -0.394
## Soalan9  140.252 129   0.235      1.079     1.001    0.630   0.038  -0.161
## Soalan10 107.368 129   0.917      0.826     0.850   -2.268  -2.448   0.689
print(item_fit, sort_by = "infit_t", decreasing = TRUE)
## Itemfit Statistics: 
##            Chisq  df p-value Outfit MSQ Infit MSQ Outfit t Infit t Discrim
## Soalan10 107.368 129   0.917      0.826     0.850   -2.268  -2.448   0.689
## Soalan3  103.913 129   0.949      0.799     0.859   -1.615  -1.644   0.512
## Soalan6  112.980 129   0.841      0.869     0.891   -1.300  -1.495   0.435
## Soalan1  143.683 129   0.178      1.105     1.092    1.317   1.432  -0.255
## Soalan5   94.176 129   0.991      0.724     0.861   -1.350  -0.987   0.293
## Soalan2  118.199 129   0.742      0.909     0.948   -0.897  -0.690   0.222
## Soalan4  124.121 129   0.605      0.955     0.967   -0.274  -0.316   0.000
## Soalan8  151.905 129   0.082      1.168     0.968    0.752  -0.145  -0.394
## Soalan7  132.586 129   0.396      1.020     0.971    0.163  -0.139  -0.325
## Soalan9  140.252 129   0.235      1.079     1.001    0.630   0.038  -0.161
print(item_fit, sort_by = "outfit_t", decreasing = TRUE)
## Itemfit Statistics: 
##            Chisq  df p-value Outfit MSQ Infit MSQ Outfit t Infit t Discrim
## Soalan10 107.368 129   0.917      0.826     0.850   -2.268  -2.448   0.689
## Soalan3  103.913 129   0.949      0.799     0.859   -1.615  -1.644   0.512
## Soalan5   94.176 129   0.991      0.724     0.861   -1.350  -0.987   0.293
## Soalan1  143.683 129   0.178      1.105     1.092    1.317   1.432  -0.255
## Soalan6  112.980 129   0.841      0.869     0.891   -1.300  -1.495   0.435
## Soalan2  118.199 129   0.742      0.909     0.948   -0.897  -0.690   0.222
## Soalan8  151.905 129   0.082      1.168     0.968    0.752  -0.145  -0.394
## Soalan9  140.252 129   0.235      1.079     1.001    0.630   0.038  -0.161
## Soalan4  124.121 129   0.605      0.955     0.967   -0.274  -0.316   0.000
## Soalan7  132.586 129   0.396      1.020     0.971    0.163  -0.139  -0.325

3.2.2 Person fit

person_fit = personfit(pparam); person_fit
## Personfit Statistics: 
##       Chisq df p-value Outfit MSQ Infit MSQ Outfit t Infit t
## P1   12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P2   11.524  9   0.241      1.152     1.029     0.49    0.20
## P3    4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P4   22.607  9   0.007      2.261     1.576     2.12    1.57
## P5    4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P6   10.320  9   0.325      1.032     0.974     0.23    0.04
## P7   13.359  9   0.147      1.336     0.957     0.68    0.00
## P8    4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P9   14.760  9   0.098      1.476     1.297     0.85    0.86
## P10   8.837  9   0.452      0.884     0.959    -0.15   -0.02
## P11   7.806  9   0.554      0.781     0.879    -0.43   -0.28
## P12   8.935  9   0.443      0.894     1.009    -0.12    0.14
## P13   7.791  9   0.555      0.779     0.944    -0.34   -0.07
## P14  12.896  9   0.167      1.290     1.264     0.71    0.84
## P15  10.423  9   0.317      1.042     1.100     0.28    0.39
## P16   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P17  22.163  9   0.008      2.216     1.552     2.06    1.52
## P18  16.605  9   0.055      1.661     1.382     1.06    1.05
## P19   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P20  10.750  9   0.293      1.075     1.191     0.31    0.66
## P21  21.485  9   0.011      2.149     1.648     1.96    1.80
## P22   7.399  9   0.596      0.740     0.805    -0.44   -0.51
## P23  18.126  9   0.034      1.813     1.466     1.71    1.37
## P24   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P25  17.725  9   0.039      1.772     1.165     1.48    0.58
## P26  14.612  9   0.102      1.461     1.424     1.10    1.27
## P27   6.731  9   0.665      0.673     0.802    -0.62   -0.52
## P28  31.453  9   0.000      3.145     1.995     2.34    2.34
## P29   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P30   9.162  9   0.422      0.916     1.002    -0.02    0.12
## P31   8.389  9   0.496      0.839     0.946    -0.19   -0.06
## P32  12.644  9   0.179      1.264     1.385     0.67    1.13
## P33   4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P34  10.544  9   0.308      1.054     1.285     0.30    0.86
## P35  11.743  9   0.228      1.174     1.215     0.47    0.67
## P36   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P37   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P38  14.465  9   0.107      1.447     1.263     0.82    0.78
## P39   7.607  9   0.574      0.761     0.858    -0.39   -0.33
## P40   9.162  9   0.422      0.916     1.002    -0.02    0.12
## P41  11.360  9   0.252      1.136     1.234     0.43    0.78
## P42   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P43   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P44   9.246  9   0.415      0.925     0.983    -0.04    0.06
## P45   8.075  9   0.527      0.808     0.975    -0.27    0.03
## P46   8.075  9   0.527      0.808     0.975    -0.27    0.03
## P47  15.909  9   0.069      1.591     1.445     1.34    1.32
## P48   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P49   6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P50   7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P51  13.569  9   0.139      1.357     1.352     0.83    1.05
## P52   7.980  9   0.536      0.798     0.884    -0.38   -0.26
## P53   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P54   6.958  9   0.642      0.696     0.917    -0.30   -0.13
## P55  14.371  9   0.110      1.437     1.334     1.06    1.04
## P56   9.670  9   0.378      0.967     0.992     0.17    0.09
## P57   9.725  9   0.373      0.973     1.022     0.10    0.18
## P58   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P59   7.787  9   0.556      0.779     0.922    -0.14   -0.11
## P60   6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P61   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P62   4.658  9   0.863      0.466     0.613    -0.81   -1.11
## P63  11.972  9   0.215      1.197     1.296     0.55    0.92
## P64   7.504  9   0.585      0.750     0.975    -0.20    0.05
## P65   7.806  9   0.554      0.781     0.879    -0.43   -0.28
## P66   4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P67   4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P68   4.953  9   0.838      0.495     0.662    -0.73   -0.99
## P69   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P70  11.601  9   0.237      1.160     1.001     0.45    0.12
## P71   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P72  15.148  9   0.087      1.515     1.188     1.08    0.66
## P73   4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P74  14.006  9   0.122      1.401     1.520     0.99    1.50
## P75   6.227  9   0.717      0.623     0.814    -0.45   -0.45
## P76   5.095  9   0.826      0.509     0.809    -0.30   -0.30
## P77   8.741  9   0.461      0.874     1.140     0.02    0.50
## P78   5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P79   8.071  9   0.527      0.807     0.893    -0.27   -0.22
## P80  12.234  9   0.200      1.223     1.201     0.60    0.67
## P81   6.848  9   0.653      0.685     0.773    -0.71   -0.66
## P82   4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P83   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P84   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P85   5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P86   7.545  9   0.581      0.754     0.885    -0.19   -0.23
## P87  18.488  9   0.030      1.849     1.446     1.57    1.33
## P88  29.866  9   0.000      2.987     1.545     2.24    1.40
## P89   6.207  9   0.719      0.621     0.835    -0.46   -0.36
## P90   7.119  9   0.625      0.712     0.784    -0.63   -0.61
## P91   2.883  9   0.969      0.288     0.669    -0.09   -0.24
## P92  19.892  9   0.019      1.989     1.466     1.76    1.38
## P93   4.953  9   0.838      0.495     0.662    -0.73   -0.99
## P94   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P95   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P96   5.341  9   0.804      0.534     0.855    -0.26   -0.19
## P97  10.302  9   0.327      1.030     1.140     0.21    0.52
## P98   5.991  9   0.741      0.599     0.698    -0.98   -0.94
## P99   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P100  4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P101 18.283  9   0.032      1.828     1.277     1.55    0.90
## P102  6.979  9   0.639      0.698     0.922    -0.29   -0.11
## P103 12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P104  4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P105  4.146  9   0.902      0.415     0.486    -1.44   -1.79
## P106  7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P107 11.159  9   0.265      1.116     1.215     0.41    0.73
## P108 27.217  9   0.001      2.722     1.333     2.04    0.94
## P109 12.623  9   0.180      1.262     1.374     0.67    1.11
## P110  5.991  9   0.741      0.599     0.698    -0.98   -0.94
## P111  4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P112 25.085  9   0.003      2.508     1.722     2.41    1.88
## P113 12.965  9   0.164      1.296     1.133     0.79    0.50
## P114  5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P115 12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P116  7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P117 20.202  9   0.017      2.020     1.519     1.80    1.50
## P118  8.683  9   0.467      0.868     1.181     0.18    0.53
## P119  4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P120  7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P121  6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P122  7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P123 11.972  9   0.215      1.197     1.296     0.55    0.92
## P124 14.063  9   0.120      1.406     1.342     1.00    1.06
## P125  6.932  9   0.644      0.693     0.829    -0.55   -0.46
## P126 10.540  9   0.309      1.054     1.121     0.27    0.47
## P127  7.607  9   0.574      0.761     0.858    -0.39   -0.33
## P128  3.963  9   0.914      0.396     0.516    -1.00   -1.49
## P129  4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P130  4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
print(person_fit, sort_by = "infit_t", decreasing = TRUE)
## Personfit Statistics: 
##       Chisq df p-value Outfit MSQ Infit MSQ Outfit t Infit t
## P1   12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P2   11.524  9   0.241      1.152     1.029     0.49    0.20
## P3    4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P4   22.607  9   0.007      2.261     1.576     2.12    1.57
## P5    4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P6   10.320  9   0.325      1.032     0.974     0.23    0.04
## P7   13.359  9   0.147      1.336     0.957     0.68    0.00
## P8    4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P9   14.760  9   0.098      1.476     1.297     0.85    0.86
## P10   8.837  9   0.452      0.884     0.959    -0.15   -0.02
## P11   7.806  9   0.554      0.781     0.879    -0.43   -0.28
## P12   8.935  9   0.443      0.894     1.009    -0.12    0.14
## P13   7.791  9   0.555      0.779     0.944    -0.34   -0.07
## P14  12.896  9   0.167      1.290     1.264     0.71    0.84
## P15  10.423  9   0.317      1.042     1.100     0.28    0.39
## P16   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P17  22.163  9   0.008      2.216     1.552     2.06    1.52
## P18  16.605  9   0.055      1.661     1.382     1.06    1.05
## P19   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P20  10.750  9   0.293      1.075     1.191     0.31    0.66
## P21  21.485  9   0.011      2.149     1.648     1.96    1.80
## P22   7.399  9   0.596      0.740     0.805    -0.44   -0.51
## P23  18.126  9   0.034      1.813     1.466     1.71    1.37
## P24   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P25  17.725  9   0.039      1.772     1.165     1.48    0.58
## P26  14.612  9   0.102      1.461     1.424     1.10    1.27
## P27   6.731  9   0.665      0.673     0.802    -0.62   -0.52
## P28  31.453  9   0.000      3.145     1.995     2.34    2.34
## P29   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P30   9.162  9   0.422      0.916     1.002    -0.02    0.12
## P31   8.389  9   0.496      0.839     0.946    -0.19   -0.06
## P32  12.644  9   0.179      1.264     1.385     0.67    1.13
## P33   4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P34  10.544  9   0.308      1.054     1.285     0.30    0.86
## P35  11.743  9   0.228      1.174     1.215     0.47    0.67
## P36   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P37   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P38  14.465  9   0.107      1.447     1.263     0.82    0.78
## P39   7.607  9   0.574      0.761     0.858    -0.39   -0.33
## P40   9.162  9   0.422      0.916     1.002    -0.02    0.12
## P41  11.360  9   0.252      1.136     1.234     0.43    0.78
## P42   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P43   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P44   9.246  9   0.415      0.925     0.983    -0.04    0.06
## P45   8.075  9   0.527      0.808     0.975    -0.27    0.03
## P46   8.075  9   0.527      0.808     0.975    -0.27    0.03
## P47  15.909  9   0.069      1.591     1.445     1.34    1.32
## P48   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P49   6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P50   7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P51  13.569  9   0.139      1.357     1.352     0.83    1.05
## P52   7.980  9   0.536      0.798     0.884    -0.38   -0.26
## P53   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P54   6.958  9   0.642      0.696     0.917    -0.30   -0.13
## P55  14.371  9   0.110      1.437     1.334     1.06    1.04
## P56   9.670  9   0.378      0.967     0.992     0.17    0.09
## P57   9.725  9   0.373      0.973     1.022     0.10    0.18
## P58   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P59   7.787  9   0.556      0.779     0.922    -0.14   -0.11
## P60   6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P61   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P62   4.658  9   0.863      0.466     0.613    -0.81   -1.11
## P63  11.972  9   0.215      1.197     1.296     0.55    0.92
## P64   7.504  9   0.585      0.750     0.975    -0.20    0.05
## P65   7.806  9   0.554      0.781     0.879    -0.43   -0.28
## P66   4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P67   4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P68   4.953  9   0.838      0.495     0.662    -0.73   -0.99
## P69   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P70  11.601  9   0.237      1.160     1.001     0.45    0.12
## P71   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P72  15.148  9   0.087      1.515     1.188     1.08    0.66
## P73   4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P74  14.006  9   0.122      1.401     1.520     0.99    1.50
## P75   6.227  9   0.717      0.623     0.814    -0.45   -0.45
## P76   5.095  9   0.826      0.509     0.809    -0.30   -0.30
## P77   8.741  9   0.461      0.874     1.140     0.02    0.50
## P78   5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P79   8.071  9   0.527      0.807     0.893    -0.27   -0.22
## P80  12.234  9   0.200      1.223     1.201     0.60    0.67
## P81   6.848  9   0.653      0.685     0.773    -0.71   -0.66
## P82   4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P83   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P84   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P85   5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P86   7.545  9   0.581      0.754     0.885    -0.19   -0.23
## P87  18.488  9   0.030      1.849     1.446     1.57    1.33
## P88  29.866  9   0.000      2.987     1.545     2.24    1.40
## P89   6.207  9   0.719      0.621     0.835    -0.46   -0.36
## P90   7.119  9   0.625      0.712     0.784    -0.63   -0.61
## P91   2.883  9   0.969      0.288     0.669    -0.09   -0.24
## P92  19.892  9   0.019      1.989     1.466     1.76    1.38
## P93   4.953  9   0.838      0.495     0.662    -0.73   -0.99
## P94   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P95   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P96   5.341  9   0.804      0.534     0.855    -0.26   -0.19
## P97  10.302  9   0.327      1.030     1.140     0.21    0.52
## P98   5.991  9   0.741      0.599     0.698    -0.98   -0.94
## P99   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P100  4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P101 18.283  9   0.032      1.828     1.277     1.55    0.90
## P102  6.979  9   0.639      0.698     0.922    -0.29   -0.11
## P103 12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P104  4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P105  4.146  9   0.902      0.415     0.486    -1.44   -1.79
## P106  7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P107 11.159  9   0.265      1.116     1.215     0.41    0.73
## P108 27.217  9   0.001      2.722     1.333     2.04    0.94
## P109 12.623  9   0.180      1.262     1.374     0.67    1.11
## P110  5.991  9   0.741      0.599     0.698    -0.98   -0.94
## P111  4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P112 25.085  9   0.003      2.508     1.722     2.41    1.88
## P113 12.965  9   0.164      1.296     1.133     0.79    0.50
## P114  5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P115 12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P116  7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P117 20.202  9   0.017      2.020     1.519     1.80    1.50
## P118  8.683  9   0.467      0.868     1.181     0.18    0.53
## P119  4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P120  7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P121  6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P122  7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P123 11.972  9   0.215      1.197     1.296     0.55    0.92
## P124 14.063  9   0.120      1.406     1.342     1.00    1.06
## P125  6.932  9   0.644      0.693     0.829    -0.55   -0.46
## P126 10.540  9   0.309      1.054     1.121     0.27    0.47
## P127  7.607  9   0.574      0.761     0.858    -0.39   -0.33
## P128  3.963  9   0.914      0.396     0.516    -1.00   -1.49
## P129  4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P130  4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
print(person_fit, sort_by = "outfit_t", decreasing = TRUE)
## Personfit Statistics: 
##       Chisq df p-value Outfit MSQ Infit MSQ Outfit t Infit t
## P1   12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P2   11.524  9   0.241      1.152     1.029     0.49    0.20
## P3    4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P4   22.607  9   0.007      2.261     1.576     2.12    1.57
## P5    4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P6   10.320  9   0.325      1.032     0.974     0.23    0.04
## P7   13.359  9   0.147      1.336     0.957     0.68    0.00
## P8    4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P9   14.760  9   0.098      1.476     1.297     0.85    0.86
## P10   8.837  9   0.452      0.884     0.959    -0.15   -0.02
## P11   7.806  9   0.554      0.781     0.879    -0.43   -0.28
## P12   8.935  9   0.443      0.894     1.009    -0.12    0.14
## P13   7.791  9   0.555      0.779     0.944    -0.34   -0.07
## P14  12.896  9   0.167      1.290     1.264     0.71    0.84
## P15  10.423  9   0.317      1.042     1.100     0.28    0.39
## P16   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P17  22.163  9   0.008      2.216     1.552     2.06    1.52
## P18  16.605  9   0.055      1.661     1.382     1.06    1.05
## P19   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P20  10.750  9   0.293      1.075     1.191     0.31    0.66
## P21  21.485  9   0.011      2.149     1.648     1.96    1.80
## P22   7.399  9   0.596      0.740     0.805    -0.44   -0.51
## P23  18.126  9   0.034      1.813     1.466     1.71    1.37
## P24   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P25  17.725  9   0.039      1.772     1.165     1.48    0.58
## P26  14.612  9   0.102      1.461     1.424     1.10    1.27
## P27   6.731  9   0.665      0.673     0.802    -0.62   -0.52
## P28  31.453  9   0.000      3.145     1.995     2.34    2.34
## P29   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P30   9.162  9   0.422      0.916     1.002    -0.02    0.12
## P31   8.389  9   0.496      0.839     0.946    -0.19   -0.06
## P32  12.644  9   0.179      1.264     1.385     0.67    1.13
## P33   4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P34  10.544  9   0.308      1.054     1.285     0.30    0.86
## P35  11.743  9   0.228      1.174     1.215     0.47    0.67
## P36   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P37   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P38  14.465  9   0.107      1.447     1.263     0.82    0.78
## P39   7.607  9   0.574      0.761     0.858    -0.39   -0.33
## P40   9.162  9   0.422      0.916     1.002    -0.02    0.12
## P41  11.360  9   0.252      1.136     1.234     0.43    0.78
## P42   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P43   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P44   9.246  9   0.415      0.925     0.983    -0.04    0.06
## P45   8.075  9   0.527      0.808     0.975    -0.27    0.03
## P46   8.075  9   0.527      0.808     0.975    -0.27    0.03
## P47  15.909  9   0.069      1.591     1.445     1.34    1.32
## P48   7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P49   6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P50   7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P51  13.569  9   0.139      1.357     1.352     0.83    1.05
## P52   7.980  9   0.536      0.798     0.884    -0.38   -0.26
## P53   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P54   6.958  9   0.642      0.696     0.917    -0.30   -0.13
## P55  14.371  9   0.110      1.437     1.334     1.06    1.04
## P56   9.670  9   0.378      0.967     0.992     0.17    0.09
## P57   9.725  9   0.373      0.973     1.022     0.10    0.18
## P58   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P59   7.787  9   0.556      0.779     0.922    -0.14   -0.11
## P60   6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P61   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P62   4.658  9   0.863      0.466     0.613    -0.81   -1.11
## P63  11.972  9   0.215      1.197     1.296     0.55    0.92
## P64   7.504  9   0.585      0.750     0.975    -0.20    0.05
## P65   7.806  9   0.554      0.781     0.879    -0.43   -0.28
## P66   4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P67   4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P68   4.953  9   0.838      0.495     0.662    -0.73   -0.99
## P69   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P70  11.601  9   0.237      1.160     1.001     0.45    0.12
## P71   5.077  9   0.828      0.508     0.612    -1.10   -1.30
## P72  15.148  9   0.087      1.515     1.188     1.08    0.66
## P73   4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P74  14.006  9   0.122      1.401     1.520     0.99    1.50
## P75   6.227  9   0.717      0.623     0.814    -0.45   -0.45
## P76   5.095  9   0.826      0.509     0.809    -0.30   -0.30
## P77   8.741  9   0.461      0.874     1.140     0.02    0.50
## P78   5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P79   8.071  9   0.527      0.807     0.893    -0.27   -0.22
## P80  12.234  9   0.200      1.223     1.201     0.60    0.67
## P81   6.848  9   0.653      0.685     0.773    -0.71   -0.66
## P82   4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P83   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P84   5.130  9   0.823      0.513     0.597    -1.29   -1.36
## P85   5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P86   7.545  9   0.581      0.754     0.885    -0.19   -0.23
## P87  18.488  9   0.030      1.849     1.446     1.57    1.33
## P88  29.866  9   0.000      2.987     1.545     2.24    1.40
## P89   6.207  9   0.719      0.621     0.835    -0.46   -0.36
## P90   7.119  9   0.625      0.712     0.784    -0.63   -0.61
## P91   2.883  9   0.969      0.288     0.669    -0.09   -0.24
## P92  19.892  9   0.019      1.989     1.466     1.76    1.38
## P93   4.953  9   0.838      0.495     0.662    -0.73   -0.99
## P94   6.137  9   0.726      0.614     0.739    -0.77   -0.79
## P95   5.196  9   0.817      0.520     0.698    -0.67   -0.85
## P96   5.341  9   0.804      0.534     0.855    -0.26   -0.19
## P97  10.302  9   0.327      1.030     1.140     0.21    0.52
## P98   5.991  9   0.741      0.599     0.698    -0.98   -0.94
## P99   4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P100  4.947  9   0.839      0.495     0.594    -1.15   -1.31
## P101 18.283  9   0.032      1.828     1.277     1.55    0.90
## P102  6.979  9   0.639      0.698     0.922    -0.29   -0.11
## P103 12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P104  4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P105  4.146  9   0.902      0.415     0.486    -1.44   -1.79
## P106  7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P107 11.159  9   0.265      1.116     1.215     0.41    0.73
## P108 27.217  9   0.001      2.722     1.333     2.04    0.94
## P109 12.623  9   0.180      1.262     1.374     0.67    1.11
## P110  5.991  9   0.741      0.599     0.698    -0.98   -0.94
## P111  4.200  9   0.898      0.420     0.554    -0.92   -1.42
## P112 25.085  9   0.003      2.508     1.722     2.41    1.88
## P113 12.965  9   0.164      1.296     1.133     0.79    0.50
## P114  5.984  9   0.741      0.598     0.778    -0.50   -0.57
## P115 12.221  9   0.201      1.222     0.944     0.54   -0.03
## P116  7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P117 20.202  9   0.017      2.020     1.519     1.80    1.50
## P118  8.683  9   0.467      0.868     1.181     0.18    0.53
## P119  4.217  9   0.897      0.422     0.497    -1.39   -1.83
## P120  7.328  9   0.603      0.733     0.819    -0.45   -0.49
## P121  6.059  9   0.734      0.606     0.714    -0.80   -0.83
## P122  7.307  9   0.605      0.731     0.824    -0.24   -0.39
## P123 11.972  9   0.215      1.197     1.296     0.55    0.92
## P124 14.063  9   0.120      1.406     1.342     1.00    1.06
## P125  6.932  9   0.644      0.693     0.829    -0.55   -0.46
## P126 10.540  9   0.309      1.054     1.121     0.27    0.47
## P127  7.607  9   0.574      0.761     0.858    -0.39   -0.33
## P128  3.963  9   0.914      0.396     0.516    -1.00   -1.49
## P129  4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95
## P130  4.176  9   0.899      0.418     0.472    -1.67   -1.95

3.2.3 Reliability Formula

Rel = \(1 - \frac{VAR(error)}{VAR(observed)}\)

Weighted likelihood estimation (WLE) = \(1 - \frac{VAR(SE)}{VAR(estimates)}\) -> for MMLE

Expected a posteriori (EAP) = \(1 - \frac{VAR(SE)}{VAR(SE) + VAR(estimates)}\) -> comparable to Cronbach’s alpha (Wess et al, 2021) Item separation reliability

WLErel(istats$Difficulty, istats$SE)
## [1] 0.9744397
EAPrel(istats$Difficulty, istats$SE)
## [1] 0.9750768 Person separation reliability

WLErel(pstats$Ability, pstats$SE)
## [1] 0.1164769
1 - mean(pstats$SE^2) / sd(pstats$Ability)^2
## [1] 0.1164769
summary(SepRel(pparam))  # SepRel from eRm, same with WLErel from TAM
##        Separation Reliability: 0.1165
##             Observed Variance: 0.6473 (Squared Standard Deviation)
## Mean Square Measurement Error: 0.5719 (Model Error Variance)
EAPrel(pstats$Ability, pstats$SE)
## [1] 0.53092

3.2.4 Unidimensionality % variance explained by Rasch model

Expected to be > 20% for unidimensionality

model_prob = pmat(pparam)
response_no_extreme = pparam$X.ex
resids = response_no_extreme - model_prob
VO = var(as.vector(response_no_extreme))
VR = var(as.vector(resids))
(VO - VR)/VO * 100  # > 20%
## [1] 33.50158 PCA of standardized residuals

std_resids = item_fit$st.res
pca = pca(std_resids, nfactors = ncol(pparam$X), rotate = "none")
pca$values  # none of Eigenvalues are more than 2
##  [1] 1.55334589 1.39816500 1.31610949 1.16605766 1.12192106 1.01337028
##  [7] 0.90095029 0.81385220 0.69083772 0.02539043
contrasts = c(pca$values[1], pca$values[2], pca$values[3], pca$values[4], pca$values[5])
plot(contrasts, ylab = "Eigenvalues", xlab = "Contrast Number", 
     main = "Contrasts from PCA of Standardized Residuals")

All Eigenvalues < 2, therefore can conclude that unidimensionality assumption fulfilled Additional ways

scree(std_resids, pc = T, fa = F) |> print()  # largest Eigenvalue is < 2

## Scree of eigen values 
## Call: NULL
## Eigen values of Principal Components [1] 1.55 1.40 1.32 1.17 1.12 1.01 0.90 0.81 0.69 0.03
fa.parallel(std_resids, fa = "pc") |> print()  # looks like random noise

## Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors =  NA  and the number of components =  0 
## Call: fa.parallel(x = std_resids, fa = "pc")
## Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors =  NA  and the number of components =  0 
##  Eigen Values of 
##  eigen values of factors
##  [1]  0.90  0.41  0.36  0.24  0.14  0.05  0.02 -0.13 -0.17 -0.92
##  eigen values of simulated factors
## [1] NA
##  eigen values of components 
##  [1] 1.55 1.40 1.32 1.17 1.12 1.01 0.90 0.81 0.69 0.03
##  eigen values of simulated components
##  [1] 1.49 1.33 1.20 1.12 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.77 0.68 0.60
vss(std_resids)  # MAP suggests 1, although VSS says 8
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect.  Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected.  Examine the results carefully
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect.  Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected.  Examine the results carefully
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect.  Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected.  Examine the results carefully
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect.  Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected.  Examine the results carefully
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect.  Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected.  Examine the results carefully
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect.  Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected.  Examine the results carefully
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect.  Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected.  Examine the results carefully

## Very Simple Structure
## Call: vss(x = std_resids)
## VSS complexity 1 achieves a maximimum of 0.74  with  8  factors
## VSS complexity 2 achieves a maximimum of 0.81  with  8  factors
## The Velicer MAP achieves a minimum of 0.03  with  1  factors 
## BIC achieves a minimum of  181.31  with  1  factors
## Sample Size adjusted BIC achieves a minimum of  247.63  with  5  factors
## Statistics by number of factors 
##   vss1 vss2   map dof chisq    prob sqresid  fit RMSEA BIC SABIC complex eChisq
## 1 0.16 0.00 0.033  35   352 6.2e-54     9.9 0.16  0.26 181   292     1.0  166.9
## 2 0.27 0.29 0.052  26   323 5.1e-53     8.3 0.29  0.30 196   279     1.4  121.8
## 3 0.36 0.39 0.079  18   300 6.0e-53     6.9 0.41  0.35 212   269     1.5   89.4
## 4 0.42 0.47 0.114  11   279 2.8e-53     5.7 0.51  0.43 225   260     1.6   70.7
## 5 0.49 0.56 0.169   5   256 2.6e-53     4.5 0.62  0.62 232   248     1.7   50.5
## 6 0.59 0.65 0.258   0   213      NA     3.2 0.73    NA  NA    NA     1.9   30.3
## 7 0.66 0.74 0.423  -4   176      NA     2.1 0.82    NA  NA    NA     1.7   16.7
## 8 0.74 0.81 0.725  -7   140      NA     1.1 0.90    NA  NA    NA     1.7    7.2
## 1 0.119  0.14 -3.4
## 2 0.102  0.13 -4.7
## 3 0.087  0.14  1.8
## 4 0.078  0.16 17.2
## 5 0.066  0.20 26.1
## 6 0.051    NA   NA
## 7 0.038    NA   NA
## 8 0.025    NA   NA

3.2.5 Graphical assessment

plotPImap(fit_rm, irug = T, sort = TRUE)  # Person-Item / Wright's map

plotPWmap(fit_rm, imap = T, itemCI = list())  # Pathway map, item locations,

# should be between -2 and 2
plotPWmap(fit_rm, imap = T, itemCI = list(), pmap = T, # + person locations
          item.pch = 16,
          person.pch = 4)  # customize symbols for item and person, values 0 to 25 (see ?points)

3.2.6 Item characteristic curve Plot ICC together

abline(h = 0.5, col = "blue", lty = "dotted") Plot ICC separately

plotICC(fit_rm, empICC = list("raw", type = "b", col = "blue", lty = "dotted"))

empICC allows comparison of model (predicted) ICC with empirical (observed data) ICC

3.2.7 Other GOFs

## Goodness-of-Fit Tests
##                       value   df p-value
## Collapsed Deviance   78.511   80   0.526
## Hosmer-Lemeshow      11.024    8   0.200
## Rost Deviance       322.856 1014   1.000
## Casewise Deviance  1315.504 1283   0.258
## R-Squared Measures
## Pearson R2: 0.336
## Sum-of-Squares R2: 0.335
## McFadden R2: 0.37
## Classifier Results - Confusion Matrix (relative frequencies)
##          observed
## predicted     0     1
##         0 0.393 0.118
##         1 0.115 0.373
## Accuracy: 0.766
## Sensitivity: 0.759
## Specificity: 0.773
## Area under ROC: 0.834
## Gini coefficient: 0.668

4 References

Bond, T. G., Yan, Z., & Heene, M. (2021). Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences (4th ed.). Rouledge.

de Ayala, R. J. (2009). The theory and practice of item response theory. The Guilford Press.

Wind, S., & Hua, C. (2022). Rasch measurement theory analysis in R. CRC Press.